Science Hill is a Bible-based and Christ-centered church. Our mission is to joyfully share the good news of Jesus Christ and lovingly care for others. Sunday mornings start at 9:30am with worship service followed by Sunday School at 11:00am. Through the school year, we offer weekly ministry for all ages (children, youth and adults) on Wednesday evenings, including dinner. In addition, you will always find various activities like movie nights, outreach projects, fellowship events and spiritual retreats.
Science Hill strives to be a warm, friendly, welcoming congregation. Every Sunday morning you can expect to be greeted with a smile and a handshake, hear a challenging and encouraging message based on the Bible, and entrust your children to caring adults for age-appropriate teaching. Science Hill has been in ministry since 1833, yet we recently re-launched as an independent/non-denominational church in 2006. We believe that this blend of tradition and innovation allows us to experience the best of both worlds as we serve our community and world in Jesus’ name!
Many people ask about our name: Science Hill – what does it mean?
Back in 1833 when our church began, we believe the German-speaking immigrants along Beeson Street desired to name their new congregation “Zion’s Hill” (Zion in honor of Jerusalem.) However, the name that stuck was “Science Hill!” Science Hill became known as our local area, and even served as the name of the public school district. Science Hill Community Church has absolutely no connection with either Scientology or Christian Science. For many years, we were affiliated with the United Church of Christ, but we voted to become an independent non-denominational Christian congregation in 2006.
If there is any way we can assist or encourage you on your spiritual journey, please let us know how we may help. Feel free to send us an e-mail or call. We do hope to have the pleasure of meeting you in person soon.